Sell Us Your Pre-Owned Collectibles
Got manga, light novels, etc that you no longer want? We'll buy it! Just send us a message with photos of the items you are looking to sell, a description of each item, condition issues, and any other relevant information. We will get back to you with a quote for each item. If you agree to the prices, you will mail us your items, we will inspect them to make sure they match the descriptions, and then we will PayPal, Venmo, or Apple Pay you the funds we owe you.
PS. If you have any issues uploading your photos to the form, you can email them directly to with the subject as BUYBACK.
Manga (good or better condition) - $2.50 each
Manga (library copies, poor condition) - $1.00
Samplers and non-English manga - $0.25
Other Collectibles - Prices vary
Not Currently Buying - DVD's, VHS
Don't want to ship your items? We also buy at any conventions we attend, so check out our upcoming events page: